
FBSI / Laro Files #1 Devoir, breathtaking Science Fiction by Eduard Meinema

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Two technicians have been called in to repair a malfunction in a residential tower near Mars. At first glance a routine job.
The corpse they find in their workplace changes everything...
They know nothing, but others think they know more. Before they realize it, they are hunted by criminals, suspected terrorists and the police. Their lives are at stake; but on Collummar they have nowhere to go...
“Ah, that’s the beauty of space,” Jelena said. “There is no front or behind, no under, no above… There is only space.”
An exciting, haunting Sci-Fi thriller set in the 23rd century.

Their lives are at stake, but they have nowhere to go

Genre: Science Fiction / Thriller

Type: Novella

Words: 40,000

Released: December 3, 2021

Manuscript finished: November, 20217


Well, moving to a new house not only gives new energy. It also provides interesting thoughts. About the former inhabitants for instance.

List of characters

Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!

  • Ralph Feltkamp - neighbor
  • Anthony Woldring - protagonist
  • Jeany Woldring - daughter
  • Leah Woldring - spouse
  • Tony Woldring - son
  • Jeremy - paramedic 
  • Peter - paramedic
  • Theo - uncle


  • Published in Vinyed # 1 (January, 2022)

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