People's lives have changed.

Almost a century after World War II AIWAR started,

a global battle between humans and the relentless AI.

And humanity lost.

Now people's lives have changed,

and a new era has started...

The Age of AIristocracy

The last free humans are desperately trying to survive in a ruined world where

Artificial Intelligence is no longer controlled by humans,

but by AI itself.

A new world order in which people are superfluous.

Only a small group of people resist the new ruler: AILPHA.

The Age of AIristocracy includes two series.
The main series
AILPHA (full length novels) is situated several decades after AIWAR.
The second series
END DAYS (novellas) is situated at the end of AIWAR.


Join freedom fighter Rince Donia in his battle against AILPHA.  This series (full length novels), takes place several decades after AIWAR. .

Redeploy / AILPHA # 1 by Eduard Meinema.
Inhuman / AILPHA # 2 by Eduard Meinema.


This series (novellas) is situated at the end of AIWAR.

Hope Lost / END DAYS # 1 by Eduard Meinema
Best Worst / END DAYS # 2 by Eduard Meinema.

Additional reading

Did the world really come to an end? Well. It changed, that's for sure. If you like apocalyptic / dystopian stories, you'll surely love these Flash & Shorts too:

Click on the appropriate title for more details, ordering and/or a synopsis of these Flash Fiction and Short Stories.

Note: these stories are available as ebook only (although some are published in my collection series "Vinyed").

Latest Dystopian F&S:

One Cold December Night. A short story by Eduard Meinema

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