Join wayward redhead detective Marilou Tetteroo in her attempts to solve crimes in the old, historic town of Delft (The Netherlands). A humorous, yet hard boiled, police (soap) serial.

Photo Delft: courtesy Michael Fousert.

Delft Blue Crimes # 5 is scheduled for publication: May 21, 2024!

Delft Blue Crimes #5 Covering by Eduard Meinema. Buy ebook now, directly from the author.


Delft Blue Crimes # 5


DBC#5 will be available May 21 (title subject to change...)

Scheduled for publication May 21, 2024

Delft Blue Crimes #4 Doxing by Eduard Meinema. Buy ebook now, directly from the author.


Delft Blue Crimes # 4


Doxing will be available March 1

Scheduled for publication March 1

Delft Blue Crimes #3 Millstone by Eduard Meinema. Buy ebook now, directly from the author.


Delft Blue Crimes # 3


Without realizing it, Detective Tetteroo has not only solved a murder, but also opened a cesspool. A network of criminals, so far unnoticed, appears to have gained great influence in a devious manner. They avoid nothing and no one and do not shy away from any means to achieve their goals.

The first to suffer is crime vlogger Ron Marcus. And he's not the only reason this seemingly impossible fight is so personal for the red-haired detective. The case hangs around her neck like a millstone.


Delft Blue Crimes #2 High TXTC by Eduard Meinema. Buy ebook now, directly from the author.

High TXTC 

Delft Blue Crimes # 2


The headstrong red-haired detective, Marilou Tetteroo, has had a long night shift. Her morning of sleep is rudely interrupted when her help is called in to investigate the death of a student. A student who has literally, openly and nakedly, been put in the public pillory. As a result, not only this murder case, but also Marilou herself, receives more attention from social media than she would like.

Delft Blue Crimes #1 Graveyard Shift by Eduard Meinema. Buy ebook now, directly from the author.

Graveyard Shift

Delft Blue Crimes # 1


The death of a hotel owner puzzles Detective Marilou Tetteroo. With the arrest of a suspect, the case seems quickly resolved. But as she scrutinizes the suspect's statement more thoroughly, there appear to be many - too many - gaps.

To check the alibi of the only suspect, she returns to the crime scene in the historic center of Delft. Her research in the hotel and its immediate surroundings leads to a startling discovery. Her night shift turns into a nightmare as she faces a gruesome series of murders ...

There's more to explore!

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